Second Trimester
Infants are around 3 1/2 inches long and weigh approximately 1 1/2 ounces at the start of the second trimester. The heart now pumps 25 quarts of blood every day, and tiny, unique fingerprints are in place. Your baby’s skeleton begins to stiffen from stretchy cartilage to bone as the week’s pass, and he or she gains the capacity to hear. If you haven’t already, you’re likely to experience kicks and flutters.
Miscarriage becomes far less probable after the first trimester. Furthermore, for many expectant mothers, early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and exhaustion have subsided. If you’re feeling more energised and haven’t been exercising recently, now is an excellent time to begin a regular pregnant fitness programme.
Week – 14
Your baby’s brain signals have begun to activate, and he or she is now utilising their face muscles. Additionally, their kidneys are functioning today. You could even catch them sucking their thumb if you have an ultrasound.
Your infant You have a baby now. Congratulations! You’ll almost certainly spend the months ahead thinking about your baby week by week development weighs about the same as a lemon.
Week – 15
Although your infant’s eyelids remain fused shut, they are capable of sensing light. They will flee from the beam if you shine a flashlight on your stomach. This week, ultrasounds may disclose the sex of your child.
Your infant measures around the size of an apple.
Week – 16
Although their hair isn’t visible yet, the patterning on your baby’s scalp has begun. Their legs are more developed, their heads are more erect, and their ears are almost fully formed.
Your infant measures around the size of an avocado.
Week – 17
Your infant can move their joints, and their skeleton – which was previously composed of soft cartilage – is hardening into bone. The umbilical cord strengthens and thickens with each passing day.
Your baby week by week fruit size is no larger than a turnip in size.
Week – 18
Your baby is flexing his or her arms and legs, which you may feel. A protective layer of myelin is growing around their nerves on the inside.
Your infant is around the size of the pepper.
Week – 19
Your infant’s senses – smell, vision, touch, taste, and hearing – are maturing, and they may be able to pick up on your speech. If you feel inclined, speak, sing, or read aloud to them.
Your infant is about the size of an heirloom tomato in terms of size.
Week – 20
Your kid can now swallow, and their digestive system is creating meconium, the black, gooey substance that they will pass in their first poop – either in their diaper or in the womb before birth.
Your infant is banana-sized.
Week – 21
The motions of your kid have progressed from flutters to full-fledged kicks and jabs against the womb’s walls. As you become more familiar with their behaviour, you may begin to see trends.
Your newborn is around the size of a carrot.
Week – 22
Your infant resembles a small newborn at this point. Lips and brows are more defined, but the pigment that will eventually colour their eyes is not yet there.
Your infant measures around the size of spaghetti squash.
Week – 23
Your baby’s ears are becoming more sensitive. They may identify certain sounds from outside the womb that they are hearing now after birth.
Your infant is around the size of a medium mango.
Week – 24
Your infant is rather tall and thin, but chubbier times are on the way. Their skin remains thin and transparent, but this will alter shortly as well.
Your infant is around the size of a corn ear.
Week – 25
The wrinkled skin on your kid is beginning to fill out with baby fat, giving them the appearance of a newborn. Their hair has begun to grow in, and it is beginning to take on colour and structure.
Your infant is now around the size of ordinary rutabaga.
Baby Week by week development – 26
Your baby is now breathing and exhaling amniotic fluid, which is essential for lung development. These breathing exercises prepare you for your baby’s first breath.
Your infant is about the size of a scallion bunch.
Week – 27
This is the second trimester’s final week. Your kid is now sleeping and waking on a consistent schedule, and their brain is quite busy. Their lungs are not fully developed, but with medical assistance, they are capable of functioning outside the womb.
Your infant is around the size of a cauliflower head.