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The Do’s and Don’ts of Home remedies for Baby Loose Motion

Home remedies for baby loose motion

With the arrival of the monsoon, infants and children are more susceptible to diarrhoea and dysentery, which are both synonymous with loose motion. It is caused by rotavirus, a virus that infects the gut and inhibits nutrients from meals from being absorbed. We performed the following corrective measures of home remedies for the baby loose motion

When a newborn or child has loose motion, they lose weight, become dehydrated, and become weak and exhausted. It manifests itself as frequent bowel movements, whether they are accompanied by vomiting.

Poop may be highly watery and mucus- and phlegm-filled in infants. It manifests as irritability, belly discomfort, and frequent bowel motions in older children.

I was also concerned when my baby developed a loose motion. However, with appropriate nutrition and other safeguards, her uncontrollable movement ceased after a day. 


If the infant is breastfed, breastfeed as the infant requires. It assists in replenishing the body’s water losses. Throughout the day, my baby was nursed whenever she desired.

ORS may be provided if the infant is formula-fed or older than six months. ORS packets are widely accessible at pharmacies and other medical supply outlets.

If ORS packets are unavailable, 1 teaspoon sugar and an equivalent quantity of salt can be added to cooled boiling water and given after each bowel movement. This aids in the replenishment of the body’s ions and water.

Consumption of food within this period

Though nutrients are not fully digested at this stage, eating is necessary for immune development. Hence home remedies for a baby’s loose motion include all of these foods.

Banana: Allowing your baby to move freely not only makes him angry and restless but also depletes his body of potassium, causing him to run out of energy. Bananas aid in rebalancing the body’s potassium levels. This fruit is high in potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin B6. It is also accessible throughout the year, and newborns like it.

Ginger: Including ginger in your diet is an excellent approach to preventing diarrhoea and is beneficial to the digestive system. To give ginger to your infant, combine one teaspoon of grated ginger, a sprinkle of cumin powder, cinnamon powder, and honey in a small bowl. Once the combination is prepared, feed it to your kid three times daily for best effects.

Apple: Apple is another fruit that is one of the most effective home treatments for infant loose motion. Apples are high in pectin, which helps to firm up bowel movements. Additionally, giving an apple will assist your infant in regaining much-needed energy lost during loose motion. To make an apple mushy and readily digestible for your baby, wash it and boil it for a few minutes in water and mash to get a puree consistency.

Buttermilk: If your infant is older than 8 months, buttermilk might be an effective home treatment for baby loose motions. This powerful therapy aids in the fight against bacteria and germs and calms the digestive system of your infant. Season with salt and black pepper and provide a delightful beverage to your infant.

Puffed rice water: Puffed rice water is one of the most well-known home treatments for baby loose movements, particularly in India, where the puffed rice is cooked and the filtered water is given to infants twice a day for immediate relief from loose motions. White rice is highly digested and is mostly composed of starch. Check this recipe for Homemade rice cereal for babies.

Red lentil soup: Your infant will lose energy and refuse to consume anything during loose movements. Home remedies for baby loose motion include red lentil soup, which is a feasible option at this time to recover your baby’s vitality. Lentils are an excellent source of protein and calories and have a fantastic flavour. Boil 1 cup of lentils in 1 cup of water. Allow to cool; the lentils will settle down after a while. Separate the lentils from the water and season with a pinch of salt to taste.

Coconut water: Coconut water is a well-known beverage for boosting energy levels. Coconut water is connected with a number of advantages, including its ability to replenish the body’s lost fluids and its delicious flavour. Give it to your child twice or three times daily to see the effects quickly.

Carrot juice: Carrot juice is a good home remedies for baby loose motion. Along with other health advantages, it aids in the restoration of the body’s vitality. It is an excellent source of energy during diarrhoea or other irregular bowel movements. Carrot juice may be made, or the carrots can be boiled in water. Once chilled, thoroughly mash it to create a purée. Serve it to your infant many times throughout the day.

Breastmilk. Breast Milk is an excellent source of all the nutrients a newborn needs. Breast Milk includes a high concentration of antibodies that aid in your child’s recuperation and help eliminate loose movements.

Potatoes boiled

Pasta that has been boiled (for older kids)

Arrowroot powder, a pinch of salt, and water/curd mixed into a runny oatmeal

/gruel water/ kanji paani If the child is capable of eating whole rice, you may offer it to him as well.

Juice of pomegranate

Kerala bananas steamed, or Kerala banana mash made without ghee

Every two hours, the ORS solution

Tender ilaneer / nariyal paani / coconut water


During this time period, no cow’s milk or buffalo milk should be given to the baby.


Always clean the area where the child/baby plays with a suitable disinfecting floor cleaner.

Always wash your hands and those of your baby/child with soap and water or antibacterial wipes. I used Mee Mee wet wipes

for my baby.

Foods to avoid in home remedies for baby loose motion

Numerous meals might aggravate your child’s sloppy movements. It is recommended that you refrain from giving certain items to your infant until his loose movements are resolved. These include the following:

Dairy goods: A variety of dairy products, including cheese, milk, paneer, and butter, include sugar in the form of lactose, which should be avoided if your infant has frequent bowel movements. Dairy products might aggravate your baby’s symptoms of loose movements and lengthen the recuperation period. Although yoghurt, as a dairy product, is perfectly safe and effective to consume during bowel movements. It not only benefits your gut health, but its enzymes also aid in the replenishment of beneficial bacteria.

Foods high in fat and oil: Fatty and oily foods might be detrimental to your stomach during loose movements. Greasy and fried foods high in cream and fats should be avoided during loose movements, as they contribute to intestinal spasms and digestive system responses. Your baby’s already delicate tummy will be unable to cope with the reaction, which may aggravate the condition.

Sweetened foods: Foods high in sugar should be avoided during loose bowel movements. Fructose, which is found in fruits and sugar-sweetened baked goods and processed meals such as cake, pastries, coffee, tea, and chocolate, among others, has been associated with worsening health problems such as excess gas, watery stool, cramping, and abdominal pain. Additionally, sugar may end up attracting water into the large intestine, resulting in more irregular bowel movements.

While some liquids such as coconut water, carrot juice, and buttermilk are advised to replenish your baby’s energy and keep him hydrated during this period, there are several fruit juices that must be avoided. This is because fruit juices include a high sugar content that may irritate your baby’s delicate gastrointestinal tract.

Certain vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli, beans, cauliflower, and onions, contribute to your baby’s gas production throughout the digestive process. Avoid these veggies during loose movements since they may aggravate your child’s symptoms.

Spicy food: Feeding your infant spicy pepper and masala-rich foods may irritate the linings of his stomach. The issue occurs when your child’s body detects this and sends additional water to comfort. Water travelling freely through the intestines might cause your kid to have loose stools.

While fibre-rich foods are beneficial to consume, they are insufficient during loose movements. Feeding your infant fibre-rich meals will have a laxative impact on your body, aggravating the condition. Fibre-rich foods bind to the water in the stomach and promote bowel movements, which might result in an increase in your baby’s loose stools.

Several dry fruits, such as almonds, cashews, dates, and raisins, are heavy in calories and sugar, which may be problematic for your youngster during loose movements.

If the loose motion is followed by vomiting or if the poop/stool has bloodstains, this signals an infection, and the child should be sent to the doctor immediately. Check for diarrhoea symptoms and causes click here

Kindly mention the meals and other precautions you took when your LO experienced loose motion.

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