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How To Get Pregnant In a Natural Way

At a glance, how to get pregnant naturally?

  • Natural pregnancy happens when a man’s sperm is ejected into the vaginal canal, where it travels to and fertilizes her egg, resulting in an embryo that implants in the womb.
  • Ovulation tracking and timing sexual intercourse to coincide with the existence of an egg can help couples who are attempting to conceive naturally.
  • Although there is no evidence that sexual position influences fertility, couples should avoid lubricants that might harm sperm health.
  • Men and women can enhance their chances of getting pregnant naturally by making lifestyle changes such as keeping a healthy weight and avoiding behaviours that impair fertility.

How to conceive naturally?

Before consulting a fertility specialist, many couples and individuals who are having trouble conceiving may take steps to improve their chances of becoming pregnant naturally. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) estimates that couples have a 20-37 per cent probability of becoming pregnant in the first three months of trying. After the first few months, the longer a fertile couple attempts to conceive, the better their chances get as the month’s pass. According to ASRM, a couple that is not suffering from infertility has an 80 per cent chance of conceiving after one year of trying and a 90 per cent chance after two years of trying.

From how and when to have sex to lifestyle behaviours, the following activities might help you increase your chances of getting pregnant. Because difficulties affecting fertility impact men and women equally, both couples should follow the recommendations below.

Sexual intercourse that is well-planned can help to boost natural fertility – Monitoring ovulation (the release of a mature egg for fertilisation) and timing intercourse to that is the most essential thing a couple or person can do to enhance their chances of a natural pregnancy. Men and women should prioritise the health of their reproductive systems once they’ve done everything they can in that respect.

There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about conception, especially about how to have intercourse to get pregnant. There is no evidence that specific sexual postures, extended relaxation by the woman after intercourse, or sleeping in a certain position after sex enhance the probability of pregnancy. No matter what position is used during intercourse, sperm ejaculated into the vagina reaches the fallopian tubes within minutes, where egg fertilisation happens.

Many widely used vaginal lubricants, on the other hand, might have a detrimental impact on sperm survival and motility (sufficient movement to get to the egg). Avoid using most commercial lubricants, saliva, or olive oil during intercourse when attempting to conceive. Canola oil, mineral oil, or hydroxyethylcellulose-based lubricants are recommended by ASRM as needed.

How often should a couple have sexual intercourse?

While there is no set number of times a couple should have sex, research has indicated that having intercourse at least twice a week increases the chances of becoming pregnant. Long durations of sex abstinence have also been shown to lower a man’s sperm quality, according to studies.

Previously, it was thought that women who used birth control should wait a certain amount of time before trying to conceive. This is no longer the conventional wisdom. It is now thought that there is no need to put off trying to conceive.

The frequency of intercourse has less of an influence on the odds of pregnancy than the time of intercourse. Intercourse before ovulation has a higher chance of resulting in pregnancy.

Intercourse time and How to get pregnant during ovulation:

Ovulation, or the release of an egg by a woman during her menstrual cycle, is an important part of getting pregnant. An egg has a lifespan of 12 to 24 hours after being released from the ovary. As a result, it’s critical for a couple to have intercourse on or near the day of ovulation. Monitoring ovulation, as explained below, is the most efficient way to achieve this.

A lady who has a normal cycle of 25 to 35 days is most likely ovulating regularly. This usually happens two weeks before a woman’s menstrual cycle begins. Ovulation should occur on days 13 to 15 of a typical 28-day cycle.

If a woman’s cycle is irregular or she doesn’t have menstruation, she should be evaluated further to see if ovulation is taking place. If it isn’t, treatment alternatives may be examined.

Ovulation Tracking:

  • Ovulation kits, apps, and calendar monitoring can all be used to track a woman’s ovulation. The following are some ovulation monitoring techniques.
  • Changes in luteinizing hormone (LH) levels are monitored using these over-the-counter urine diagnostic kits. Ovulation generally occurs within 12 to 36 hours after these levels rise.
  • Cervical mucus: Tracking ovulation using cervical mucus is a low-cost alternative. It is, however, difficult to understand and has a low level of accuracy.
  • Apps for smartphones: These applications keep track of your cycle duration and predict when you’ll ovulate.
  • Because it identifies ovulation after it has occurred, the basal body temperature chart is one of the least useful methods of ovulation tracking. This device monitors a woman’s body temperature, which can increase by 0.5 degrees after ovulation.